Improving your paycheck

Ashutosh Sahoo
3 min readNov 28, 2020

Are you facing this issue of a less paycheck? Are you still wondering why the colleague who puts in the same efforts is getting a better salary?

Let's understand how you get your pay. A person is paid based on his Credibility. In terms of Business, Credibility is your creditworthiness, ie, the faith they put in you in the form of money, time, and energy based on your reputation earned, and the promise of your future delivery.

If you are doing something which can be performed by many people then compared to the demand for doing a task there is a huge supply so the market would not pay you more than a certain amount. If you do something that does not have many people who are doing it and there is a huge demand you can actually become a millionaire in the best-case scenario.

Also if there is a skill in which you are best in class and there is no one who can perform like you. meaning you strive for excellence, then you can ask a monetary value at an exponential rate compared to a person who cannot perform at your level.

To perform something that is in huge demand and less supply is a fast-track to success. It is a luck-based approach as it is difficult to be at the right time and the right place. According to Stoicism, to improve your luck you need to do the right things, by doing the right to your body, mind, and society you are attracting luck into your life.

To achieve excellence is a long term process and needs devotion towards your craft. You are working, when things are not working out. It may seem insane to others watching you do the same thing. But by repeating it again and again with consistent practice excellence can be achieved. A certain level of passion is required to do the same thing again and again. Passion can be developed by developing a hustler’s mindset and do things when they are hard, as per your excellence you need to widen and heighten the scope.

The above steps also lead to credibility. I am generalizing about how we can develop credibility in our lives in the below paragraph.

The Character of a man is built based on what he does when no one is watching him. When what he does seems difficult to others and is useful to them he earns a Reputation. Based on reputation, the amount of risk society takes in you is your Credibility.

Remember life is a process, take time to thank yourself for the things that worked out for you and stay happy this will improve your productivity. Developing a strong character will help you smoothen life processes beyond the scope of your paycheck, Credibility depends on many outside forces but by doing the mentioned steps our chances of getting credible increases.



Ashutosh Sahoo

I am a self-motivated person who likes to explore life, push my limits and find expertise in various aspects like career, relationships, health