Confidence versus Clarity

Ashutosh Sahoo
2 min readNov 15, 2020


Confidence is a state of a person when he believes in himself. A confident man has a higher probability to get through a situation easily compared to an unwilling man and a bum. Is confidence enough to get through problems? Suppose I have an exam tomorrow and I have not studied enough to perform well, then I may worry, they will ask me to be confident because there is still a chance that we will get only those questions that I have studied, but what if we don’t get the questions that we are prepared can we take the chance to fail. This is where clarity comes into the picture, just being confident doesn’t ensure our success in the current endeavor that we have taken up.

Clarity says to open up our eyes, see the present realities, our caliber, our expectations, and other factors affecting us. When we are aware of all these things and act accordingly we have a holistic approach towards a problem.

In this case, we give in whatever we can. We become process-oriented. We perform at our best and even if we fail, we understand what’s going wrong. We learn from our problems and move on. Clarity comes with giving time towards preparing for the task that you want to take up, planning for it, and executing it when the time demands. This can be done by enhancing our mind and body through exercise, yoga, meditation, associating with like-minded people.

When a person acts with clarity, he is confident by his nature. While tackling problems, he doesn’t actually need confidence anymore because he is backed by knowledge, time, and energy invested beforehand.

So next time develop clarity first it will create confidence.



Ashutosh Sahoo

I am a self-motivated person who likes to explore life, push my limits and find expertise in various aspects like career, relationships, health